How to Fix Unexpected Parameter(s) After Input APK (--ks-pass) Error
If you are an Android developer, you may have encountered the error "Unexpected parameter(s) after input APK (--ks-pass)" when trying to sign your APK file using the apksigner tool. This error can prevent you from generating a valid signed APK that can be installed on devices or uploaded to app stores. In this article, we will explain what APK signing is, what causes this error, and how to fix it.
unexpected parameter(s) after input apk (--ks-pass)
What is APK Signing and Why is it Important?
APK signing is the process of digitally signing your Android application package (APK) file with a certificate that proves its authenticity and integrity. Signing your APK ensures that it has not been modified or tampered with by anyone other than you, the developer. It also allows users and app stores to verify that the app comes from a trusted source.
APK Signing Basics
To sign your APK, you need a keystore file that contains a private key and a public certificate. The private key is used to encrypt the signature of your APK, while the public certificate is used to verify it. The certificate contains information such as your name, organization, and validity period. You can create a keystore file using tools such as keytool or Android Studio.
APK Signing Schemes
There are different schemes for signing your APK depending on the Android platform version that you target. The most common ones are:
APK Signature Scheme v1 (also known as JAR signing): This is the original scheme that signs the entire APK file as a JAR file. It is supported by all Android versions.
APK Signature Scheme v2 (also known as v2 signing): This is a newer scheme that signs each file inside the APK individually. It is supported by Android 7.0 (API level 24) and higher. It offers faster installation and verification, stronger protection against unauthorized changes, and support for key rotation.
APK Signature Scheme v3 (also known as v3 signing): This is an extension of v2 signing that adds additional information to the signature such as install-time metadata and upgrade key certificates. It is supported by Android 9.0 (API level 28) and higher.
You can choose which scheme to use when signing your APK using tools such as apksigner or Android Studio.
How to fix unexpected parameter(s) after input apk (--ks-pass) error
Unexpected parameter(s) after input apk (--ks-pass) apksigner not accepting password
Apksigner unexpected parameter(s) after input apk (--out)
Unexpected parameter(s) after input apk (--pass-encoding) failed to sign Android package
Unexpected parameter(s) after input apk (--ks-key-alias) can't sign the apk for prod build
Apksigner unexpected parameter(s) after input apk (--min-sdk-version)
Unexpected parameter(s) after input apk (--v1-signing-enabled)
Apksigner unexpected parameter(s) after input apk (--v2-signing-enabled)
Unexpected parameter(s) after input apk (--v3-signing-enabled)
Apksigner unexpected parameter(s) after input apk (--v4-signing-enabled)
Unexpected parameter(s) after input apk (--debuggable-apk-permitted)
Apksigner unexpected parameter(s) after input apk (--lineage)
Unexpected parameter(s) after input apk (--max-sdk-version)
Apksigner unexpected parameter(s) after input apk (--next-signer)
Unexpected parameter(s) after input apk (--no-v1-signing)
Apksigner unexpected parameter(s) after input apk (--no-v2-signing)
Unexpected parameter(s) after input apk (--no-v3-signing)
Apksigner unexpected parameter(s) after input apk (--no-v4-signing)
Unexpected parameter(s) after input apk (--out-fd)
Apksigner unexpected parameter(s) after input apk (--in-fd)
Unexpected parameter(s) after input apk (--key-pass-fd)
Apksigner unexpected parameter(s) after input apk (--key-pass-file)
Unexpected parameter(s) after input apk (--key-pass-env)
Apksigner unexpected parameter(s) after input apk (--key-pass-source)
Unexpected parameter(s) after input apk (--ks-pass-fd)
Apksigner unexpected parameter(s) after input apk (--ks-pass-file)
Unexpected parameter(s) after input apk (--ks-pass-env)
Apksigner unexpected parameter(s) after input apk (--ks-pass-source)
Unexpected parameter(s) after input apk (--min-sdk-version-fd)
Apksigner unexpected parameter(s) after input apk (--max-sdk-version-fd)
Unexpected parameter(s) after input apk (--lineage-fd)
Apksigner unexpected parameter(s) after input apk (--signer-name)
Unexpected parameter(s) after input apk (--signer-cert-fd)
Apksigner unexpected parameter(s) after input apk (--signer-key-fd)
Unexpected parameter(s) after input apk (--signer-cert-file)
Apksigner unexpected parameter(s) after input apk (--signer-key-file)
Unexpected parameter(s) after input apk (--signer-cert-env)
Apksigner unexpected parameter(s) after input apk (--signer-key-env)
Unexpected parameter(s) after input apk (--signer-cert-source)
Apksigner unexpected parameter(s) after input apk (--signer-key-source)
Unexpected parameter (s) before or at --help
How to use apksigner to sign Android app manually
Difference between jarsigner and apksigner
What is the meaning of --pass encoding in apksigner
How to create a keystore file for apksigner
How to verify the signature of an APK file with apksigner
How to align an APK file with zipalign before signing with apksigner
How to use apksigner with different signature schemes (v1, v2, v3, v4)
APK Signing Tools
There are different tools that you can use to sign your APK depending on your preference and workflow. Some of the most common ones are:
apksigner: This is a command-line tool that lets you sign APKs and confirm that their signatures will be verified successfully on all supported Android versions. It is available in revision 24.0.3 and higher of the Android SDK Build Tools.
jarsigner: This is another command-line tool that lets you sign JAR files, including APKs using v1 scheme. It is part of the Java Development Kit (JDK).
Android Studio: This is an integrated development environment (IDE) that lets you create, build, run, debug, and sign Android apps. It has a built-in wizard that guides you through the process of generating a keystore file and signing your app.</li I have searched the web for information on how to use different tools to sign APK files. Here is the rest of the article based on the outline you provided. What Causes the Unexpected Parameter(s) After Input APK (--ks-pass) Error?
The error "Unexpected parameter(s) after input APK (--ks-pass)" occurs when you try to sign an APK file using the apksigner tool and provide invalid or incorrect arguments. There are several possible causes for this error, such as:
Incorrect Syntax or Order of Arguments
The apksigner tool expects a specific syntax and order of arguments when signing an APK file. For example, you need to specify the keystore file or the key and certificate files before the input APK file, and use the --ks-pass option to provide the keystore password. If you omit, misplace, or mistype any of these arguments, you may get the error. For example, if you write:
apksigner sign app.apk --ks keystore.jks --ks-pass pass:password
You will get the error because you put the input APK file before the keystore file. The correct syntax is:
apksigner sign --ks keystore.jks --ks-pass pass:password app.apk
To avoid this error, make sure you follow the correct syntax and order of arguments as described in [apksigner Android Studio Android Developers](^2^).
Incompatible Keystore or Key Format
The apksigner tool supports only certain formats of keystores and keys for signing APK files. For example, the keystore file must be in JKS or PKCS12 format, and the key file must be in PKCS8 format. If you use a different format, such as BKS or PEM, you may get the error. For example, if you write:
apksigner sign --key key.pem --cert cert.pem app.apk
You will get the error because you are using a PEM key file instead of a PKCS8 key file. The correct format is:
apksigner sign --key key.pk8 --cert cert.pem app.apk
To avoid this error, make sure you use compatible formats of keystores and keys as described in [Sign your app Android Studio Android Developers](^8^).
Corrupted or Tampered Keystore or APK File
The apksigner tool verifies the integrity and authenticity of the keystore and APK files before signing them. If either of these files is corrupted, damaged, or tampered with, you may get the error. For example, if you edit or modify the APK file after building it, or if you download or copy the keystore file from an untrusted source, you may get the error. To avoid this error, make sure you use original and unaltered keystore and APK files from trusted sources.
How to Solve the Unexpected Parameter(s) After Input APK (--ks-pass) Error?
If you encounter the error "Unexpected parameter(s) after input APK (--ks-pass)", there are some possible solutions that you can try depending on the cause of the error. Here are some suggestions:
Check the Syntax and Order of Arguments
The first thing you should do is to check if you are using the correct syntax and order of arguments when signing your APK file with apksigner. Make sure you specify all the required arguments such as --ks, --key, --cert, --in, and --out, and place them in the right order as described in [apksigner Android Studio Android Developers](^2^). Also, make sure you use the correct separators such as spaces, colons, and equal signs between the arguments and their values. For example, instead of writing:
apksigner sign app.apk--ks=keystore.jks--ks-passpass:password
You should write:
apksigner sign --ks keystore.jks --ks-pass pass:password app.apk
Convert or Generate a New Keystore or Key
If you are using an incompatible format of keystore or key for signing your APK file with apksigner, you need to convert it to a compatible format or generate a new one using a tool such as keytool or Android Studio. For example, if you have a BKS keystore file that you want to use with apksigner, you can convert it to a JKS keystore file using keytool as follows:
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore bks.keystore -srcstoretype BKS -destkeystore jks.keystore -deststoretype JKS
If you don't have a keystore file or a key file, you can generate a new one using keytool or Android Studio as follows:
keytool -genkey -v -keystore jks.keystore -alias myalias -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
Or, in Android Studio, go to Build > Generate Signed Bundle / APK and follow the wizard.
Verify and Align the Keystore and APK File
If you have a valid and compatible keystore file and key file, but you still get the error, you may need to verify and align the keystore and APK file using tools such as jarsigner and zipalign. These tools can help you check if the keystore and APK file are corrupted or tampered with, and if they are properly aligned for optimal performance. For example, you can use jarsigner to verify the signature of your APK file as follows:
jarsigner -verify -verbose -certs app.apk
If the verification fails, you may need to re-sign your APK file with apksigner or jarsigner. If the verification succeeds, you can use zipalign to align your APK file as follows:
zipalign -v 4 app.apk app-aligned.apk
This will align your APK file to a 4-byte boundary, which is recommended for Android apps. You can also use the -c option to check the alignment of your existing APK file without modifying it.
In this article, we have explained what APK signing is, what causes the error "Unexpected parameter(s) after input APK (--ks-pass)", and how to fix it. We have also shown you how to use different tools such as apksigner, jarsigner, keytool, and zipalign to sign, verify, and align your APK files. We hope this article has helped you solve your problem and create a valid signed APK that can be installed on devices or uploaded to app stores.
What is the difference between apksigner and jarsigner?
apksigner is a tool that supports signing APK files using different schemes such as v1, v2, and v3. It also supports verifying the signatures of APK files across all supported Android versions. jarsigner is a tool that supports signing JAR files, including APK files using v1 scheme only. It does not support verifying the signatures of APK files on Android 7.0 and higher.
How do I sign an app bundle (.aab) file?
An app bundle (.aab) file is a format that contains all the resources and code of your app in a single file. It is used by Google Play to generate optimized APKs for different devices. To sign an app bundle file, you can use the same tools and steps as signing an APK file, such as apksigner or Android Studio.
How do I update the certificate of my signed APK?
If you want to update the certificate of your signed APK, you need to use a new keystore file or key file that contains the new certificate. You also need to use a signing scheme that supports key rotation, such as v2 or v3. You can use apksigner or Android Studio to sign your APK with the new certificate.
How do I check if my signed APK is valid?
To check if your signed APK is valid, you can use tools such as apksigner or jarsigner to verify its signature. You can also use tools such as zipalign to check its alignment. Additionally, you can use tools such as adb or Android Studio to install your signed APK on a device or an emulator and test its functionality.
How do I troubleshoot other errors related to signing APK files?
If you encounter other errors related to signing APK files, such as "Keystore was tampered with or password was incorrect" or "No key with alias found in keystore", you can refer to [Sign your app Android Studio Android Developers] for more information and solutions. 44f88ac181